Nie skojarzylem nicku z forum :)
mowisz o tym:
"tak sie robi samemu skalki
Stones can be made with:
- 'chicken' wire
- Tie raps
- Ordinary womens panties (not the underwear but the sock thingies)
- Tile glue
- Acrylic paint in a preferably sandy colour.(VERY IMPORTANT: ONLY water based paint!)
- Epoxy
First make a stone shape with the chicken wire, cut the panties in pieces and attach it to the chicken wire with tie raps.
Make a mix of water, tile glue and acrylic paint, make it a bit thicker, like yoghurt.
Now, you can use that mix to 'paint' the chicken wire that you made.
2 layers from the outside, let it dry a few days and then 1-2 layers also from the inside, so that the wires are not seen anymore.
When all is done, the inside of the rock can be finished with a layer of epoxy so that it stays nice.
The outside should be also coated with epoxy and afterwards sprinkled with fine sand.
And there you have it, your own unique rocks..! "
Ciekawa sprawa, ale nie do konca rozumiem. Uformowac z siatki ksztalt i potem przymocowac trytkami (paski szybkiego montazu) do nich wlasnie co, rajstopy? Jak? Nakladac na to ten mix od zewnatrz i wewnatrz? Potem lakier i piasek? Ktos moze sprotoswac i naprowadzic? Z tego co rozumiem w srodku jest pusta taka skalka? |