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Monogamy in the maternally mouthbrooding Lake
Tanganyika cichlid fish Tropheus moorii
Bernd Egger1, Beate Obermu¨ ller1, Harris Phiri2, Christian Sturmbauer1
and Kristina M. Sefc1,*
1Department of Zoology, University of Graz, Universita¨tsplatz 2, 8010 Graz, Austria
2Fisheries Research Division, Department of Research and Specialist Services, Ministry of Agriculture,
Food and Fisheries, PO Box 55, Mpulungu, Zambia
Supported by evidence for assortative mating and polygynandry, sexual selection through mate choice was
suggested as the main force driving the evolution of colour diversity of haplochromine cichlids in Lakes
Malawi and Victoria. The phylogenetically closely related tribe Tropheini of Lake Tanganyika includes the
genus Tropheus, which comprises over 100 colour variants currently classified into six morphologically
similar, polyphyletic species. To assess the potential for sexual selection in this sexually monochromatic
maternal mouthbrooder, we used microsatellite-based paternity inference to investigate the mating system
of Tropheus moorii. In contrast to haplochromines in Lake Malawi, multiple paternity is rare or even absent
in broods of T. moorii. Eighteen of the 19 analysed families were consistent with genetic monogamy, while
either a mutation or more than one sire explained the genotype of one offspring in another brood.
We discuss the differences in breeding behaviour between T. moorii and the Lake Malawi haplochromines,
and evaluate additional factors or alternatives to sexual selection as promoters of colour diversification.
A preliminary survey of other Tropheini species suggested that multiple paternity is infrequent in the
entire tribe.
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